Cougar Line offers a dedicated freight service onboard Sounds Navigator, a 15-metre catamaran purpose-built vessel to transport your goods around the Queen Charlotte Sound/Tōtaranui.

Our dedicated freight boat, Sounds Navigator, based in Picton, is purpose-built to ensure your goods are delivered safely, no matter what they are or where they need to go in Queen Charlotte Sound/Tōtaranui.

Whether you need groceries, chilled or frozen goods, commercial or private laundry, a generator, firewood, building supplies, furniture or fuel, talk to us about transporting it around Queen Charlotte Sound/Tōtaranui.

To book in freight or if you have an enquiry, email or call direct to the freight cell - 027 868 7293

Carriers Liability

  • the Contract and Commercial Law Act (Part 5, Subpart 1) - which covers the carrier's liability for loss or damage to items while they are with the carrier  (Covers unintentional damage or loss caused by the carrier of up to $2,000 (incl GST) per unit
  • the Consumer Guarantees Act which covers any other losses if the carrier doesn't carry out their service with reasonable skill or care (covers intentional damage or loss to the declared value of the goods.

Insurance: Where your goods are greater than the limited carriers risk, then we would suggest that you organise your own insurance.